PT Atlas Resources bergerak dalam bidang produsen batubara sejak 26 Januari 2007 yang terus berkembang hingga ini membuka kesempatan karir silahkan ikuti lowongan kerja PT Atlas Resources.
Pеrѕеrоаn mеngаlаmі pertumbuhan bіѕnіѕ yang реѕаt menyusul dilakukannya аkѕі akuisisi, eksplorasi dаn реngеmbаngаn, dеngаn fоkuѕ аwаl раdа wіlауаh реrtаmbаngаn batubara rеgіоnаl bеrѕkаlа kесіl.
Mеlаluі anak реruѕаhааnnуа, PT Hanson Enеrgу (HE), Pеrѕеrоаn tеlаh mеnjаlіn kontrak jаngkа раnjаng (20 tahun) dеngаn PT PLN untuk memasok bаtubаrа kе bеbеrара PLTU mіlіk PT PLN dіаntаrаnуа PLTU Tаrаhаn Bаru (Lampung), PLTU 3 Bаntеn (Tеluk Naga), PLTU Tеluk Sirih (Sumatera Bаrаt), dan PLTU 2 Jаwа Bаrаt (Pеlаbuhаn Ratu) dаn bеbеrара zоnаѕі PLTU ѕереrtі PLTU Bаngkа Bаru, PLTU Lаbuhаn dan PLTU Surаlауа Bаru. Hаl ini mеmbuktіkаn kереrсауааn уаng besar dari раѕаr dоmеѕtіk khuѕuѕnуа PLN tеrhаdар kuаlіtаѕ рrоduk Pеrѕеrоаn.
Menjadi produsen batubara terkemuka melalui jiwa kewirausahaan.
- Membangun organisasi yang adaptif
- Memberikan imbal hasil terbaik bagi pemegang saham
- Menjalankan pola kemitraan dengan penuh integritas
- Meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat lokal
- Menerapkan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang sehat
- Menjadi proaktif dalam melestarikan lingkungan hidup
- Mengelola keanekaragaman proyek dan kelestarian sumber daya
- Tahan uji
Lowongan Kerja PT Atlas Resources November 2024
- Minimum Diploma Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Minimum 7 years experiences in the same field
- Experienced in Heavy Equipment Repair & Maintenance
- Excellent communication, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum Diploma Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Minimum 5 years experiences in the same field
- Good knowledge of Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management
- Excellent communication, teamwork, analytical and organizational skills
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum 3 years experiences in the same field
- Experienced in Heavy Equipment Repair & Maintenance
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum 3 years experiences in the same field
- Experienced in Dump Truck Repair & Maintenance
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree
- Minimum 5 years experiences in the same field
- Excellent communication, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree
- Minimum 2 years experiences in the same field
- Good communication, teamwork, and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 35 years old
- Bachelor degree in Mining
- Minimum 3 years’ experience in the same field
- Good communication, teamwork, and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 40 years old
- Bachelor degree in Mining
- Minimum 3 years’ experience in the same field
- Good ability to plan and design with mining software
- Good communication, teamwork, and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 40 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree
- Minimum 3 years experiences in the same filed
- Have AK3 Umum Certification
- Experienced in coal mining company is preferred
- Excellent communication, negotiation, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree in Nursing
- Minimum 3 years experiences in the same filed
- Experienced in coal mining company is preferred
- Excellent communication, negotiation, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 40 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree
- Minimum 5 years experiences in the same filed
- Excellent communication, negotiation, teamwork, analytical and organizational skills
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Bachelor degree
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in the same field
- Good knowledge in Manpower Regulations
- Proficient in using Ms. Office
- Experienced in site project placement
- Excellent communication, teamwork, analytical and organizational skills
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree
- Minimum 2 years experiences in the same field
- Good communication, teamwork and analytical skills
- Maximum age 30 years old
- Minimum Diploma degree
- Minimum 2 years experiences in the same field
- Good communication, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 30 years old
- Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering
- Minimum 3 years’ experience in the related field
- Experienced in facility construction & maintenance
- Good knowledge in building mechanical & electrical
- Good communication, teamwork, and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 40 years old
- Minimum Bachelor degree in Environment
- Minimum 3 years experiences in related field
- Experienced in coal mining company
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Good ability to work with Ms. Office
- Excellent communication, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Have PPA (Pengendalian Pencemaran Air) certificate is preferred
- Maximum age 35 years old
- Minimum Bachelor degree in Law
- Minimum 3 years experiences in the same field
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Good communication, teamwork and analytical thinking
- Maximum age 35 years old
- Minimum Bachelor degree
- Minimum 7 years’ experience in the same field
- Experienced in coal mining company
- Experienced in managing permits & license also compliance related to mining company
- Excellent communication, negotiation, teamwork, analytical and organizational skills
- Maximum age 45 years old
- Penempatan: Jakarta, Sumatera Selatan
Info Rekrutmen :
- Setiap Lowongan Kerja Tidak Pernah Meminta Biaya Dalam Bentuk Apapun
- Perusahaan Tidak Pernah Bekerjasama Antar Internal/Pegawai Untuk Menjamin Kelulusan Calon Pelamar Kerja
- PT Atlas Resources Tidak Pernah Bekerjasama Dengan Travel Agent Manapun Terkait Proses Penerimaan Karyawan